Carlo Perassi

Carlo Perassi

Since 1996 I have been working as an independent consultant for government organizations and companies in Italy and abroad, mostly on projects related to the analysis and development of Free Software based distributed applications. Read more

Born in 1973, and having graduated in 2000 in Computer Engineering (MsC) at Politecnico di Torino and the following year having been admitted to the professional association of the engineers of the Province of Torino, since 1996 I have been working as an independent consultant for government organizations and companies in Italy and abroad, mostly on projects related to the analysis and development of Free Software based distributed applications.

The following is just a “last five years” version of my Curriculum Vitae.


2014/2024: distributed systems design/programming and Machine Learning engineering (Kiwifarm Srl).

2018/2024: Industry 4.0 technical reports, disaster recovery, technical-legal consultant and forensic analysis (Studio Kiwi & Associati).

2000/2006, 2015/2017, 2019/2022, 2024: taught 1,222+ hours of distributed computing related courses (CSI-Piemonte, FedEx, FOIT, RAI, Regione {Lombardia, Piemonte}, TripAdvisor, Wolters Kluwer et. al).

Positions & articles


2020/2026: CERTing Advanced Certified.

2019/-: MISE Certified Innovation Manager.

2018/-: Charter member of Studio Kiwi & Associati.

2016/-: Partner of Kiwifarm Srl.

2005/2024: Court-appointed computer engineer.

2019/2021: Commissioner at the national qualifying examination for engineers.

Free Software, etc

Free Software

2010/2023: GiHub (personal and Kiwifarm) and personal Gist.

2018/2023: technical blog.


2011/2013, 2015, 2019, 2023: written, directed and produced short films, admitted to 101 festivals (11 awards, 3 nominations and a mention).

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